Straw Wattles

Straw Wattle is manufactured from straw that is wrapped in tubular plastic netting. They are approximately 8-10 inches in diameter and 12 to 25 feet in length.
Slope application when placed on contour and perimeter containment.
Straw Wattles are a temporary sediment barrier that works best in conjunction with a ground covering type product such a straw mulch or matting. In a slope application Straw Wattle will dissipate sheet flow and will limit sediment flow until permanent vegetation is established. Its also used as perimeter containment in areas where existing grade is 2% or less.
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- Lower labor costs to install than silt fence in steep slope application.
- Plastic netting will eventually photo degrade, straw decomposes and in most cases removal is not required adding to the labor saving over silt fence.
- Lower cost than compost type berms.
- Shallow trench for installation is required
- Short term erosion control function - one year at most.
- Material cost higher than silt fence.
- Low profile and sediment retention.