Straw Mulch Cover

Straw Mulch Cover is straw that is either spread by machine or by hand to cover bare soils. Rye, wheat, oat, rice and native grass straw can be applied.
Temporary and permanent cover for slopes 2:1 or less.
Straw Mulch Cover provides temporary and/or permanent protection of disturbed soil. Mulch is machine or hand applied approximately 3 ton per acre. The chopped straw provides a bonded matrix that gives immediate protection against splash erosion. Straw Mulch Cover provides a protected environment for grass seeds to germinate in as little as 8 days.
Similar Products
- Yard Debris Compost
- Hydroseeding
- Matting
- Lower cost to install than Yard Debris Compost or Hydroseed.
- Natural bonded matrix characteristic which provides immediate erosion protection.
- Hand applications allows for remote project installation unlike compost and hydroseeding that require equipment to install product.
- Saves the Environment, straw is the by product of seed or grain production. In years past unused straw would be burned as its uses where limited.
- As a temporary control for areas to be reworked at a later date, Straw is an organic material that would require its removal or stripping. Similarly to Yard Debris Compost that is also an organic material.