Sediment Fence/Silt Fence



Sediment Fence is a polypropylene material - one roll measures 3' high by 100' in length with wooden 2x2" stakes pocketed and stapled every 6' o.c..


Sediment Fence is a polypropylene material - one roll measures 3' high by 100' in length with wooden 2x2" stakes pocketed and stapled every 6' o.c..


Sediment Fence provides temporary protection to slopes and project perimeter containment. It is installed in a trench where a minimum of 6" of the bottom of the polypropylene material is buried. Material should be installed on contour to avoid concentrated or low impact to the fence that may lead to potential failure. Sediment is contained/trapped at the fence allowing water stagnate and pass. Wire mesh can be added to the fence where 'supported' fence is required. It is our opinion that sediment fence should remain unsupported as the idea to support and make structural against large movements of soils is not the intended use.

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  • Lower labor and material cost to install than yard debris compost berm. No need for specialized equipment as in the case for compost berm.
  • More dependable and provides immediate protection after installation. Compost berm requires time to compact and vegetate to become an effective barrier.
  • Provide filtration of water/sediment where compost berm becomes barrier of both water and sediment.
  • Fullfills DOT requirement of 3' height protection.
  • Special ordered in oreagne color for mulit-purpose sediment containment and tree or construction limit protection.


  • Requires removal.


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